Zaatar FlatBread / Mana’eesh

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An amazing herb widely used in Lebanon and the Middle East. Zaatar is the morning “On the go” flat bread of Lebanon, it is by far the most popular on the go food. It exists in 100% of the Lebanese households; you will be hard pressed not to find a home without Zaatar in its Pantry. At home it is mixed with the best of olive oil available, it is close to Wild Thyme in the west but really different in that part of the world and mainly because of the way it is harvested, Wild and definitely Organic.

Zaatar cannot be grown in controlled environments, it runs wild in the hills of Lebanon and is picked up, carefully dried then mixed with various levels of toasted sesames, to add flavor sumac is added. Usually Stored in glass jars, Zaatar is then mixed in a glass cup with the olive oil for an anytime snack. In Bakeries Zaatar mix is spread over pre flat bread dough, mixed with some vegetable oil and in some cases a bit of Olive oil and baked in a 500 degree oven. Labni, tomatoes, olives and fresh mint is added to make one of the most delicious mixtures of any Flatbread /Mana’eesh.
A palm size zaatar is also added to the traditional appetizer platters in Parties and Holidays along with other Lebanese favorites such as the triangular spinach pie and the square Traditional Lebanese Sfeeha.

you can find all these and order them as Authentic as they come at:

5965 El cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115


Posted in Lebanese Mediterranean restaurant and arabic food San Diego, Specialties.